Аксес Файнанс АД

Аксес Файнанс АД

Since our start in 2013, we have made financial services accessible to everyone, especially those with little or no credit history. Based in the heart of Sofia, Bulgaria, our headquarters is more than just a strategic location. It's a hub of innovation and customer-centric service. We're operating under the vigilant supervision of the Bulgarian National Bank (registration No. BGR00332) and upholding the highest standards of data protection (registered under No. 395972), committed to simple, fast, and responsible lending. We are offering a viable alternative to traditional banking. Our mission is clear: democratising access to financial products and services, making them readily available internationally. Our reach extends beyond borders. With operations across three European countries and forthcoming opening in Mexico and the USA, we focus on providing unsecured credit cards and personal loans swiftly and securely.