Promotion in


Packaged (promo) offers for additional promotion in the content of of your PR publications from your WorkTalent employer branding profile


Option 1 – internal pages:

Promotion of your PR posts uploaded to your "WorkTalent" profile with rotation of internal pages through advertising positions:240,000 impressions (impressions)

Price of the package – BGN 1,500 (without VAT)

*Period: 1 calendar year or until the end of the package. Impressions are distributed based on the number of materials. Maximum number of materials – up to 3.


Option 2 - home page:

Promotion of your PR publications uploaded to your " WorkTalent " profile with rotation on the home page of through advertising positions:

390,000 impressions

Price of the package – BGN 4,380 (without VAT)

*Period: 1 calendar year or until the end of the package. Impressions are distributed based on the number of materials. Maximum number of materials – up to 4.


Option 3 - home and internal pages:  

Promotion of your PR posts uploaded to your "WorkTalent" profile with rotation on the home page of through advertising positions- 520,000 impressions

Promotion of your PR posts uploaded to your "WorkTalent" profile with rotation of internal pages through advertising positionspositions – 280,000 impressions

Total - 800,000 impressions

Price of the package - BGN 7,000 (without VAT)

*Period: 1 calendar year or until the end of the package. Impressions are distributed based on the number of materials. Maximum number of materials – up to 8.



Banner bonus package offers to promote your employer branding profile in the content of


You have the option after building your employer branding profile, to ensure additional traffic to its content on the WorkTalent platform , positioning it on a banner in all content


Option 1:

1,000,000 impressions

Banner (size) – 300x600

Positioning – desktop+mobile version of all pages

Final price (without VAT) – BGN 4,968


 Option 2:

500,000 impressions

Banner (size) – 300x600

Positioning – desktop+mobile version of all pages

Final price (without VAT) – BGN 3,024


Prices for making banners 300x600:

Static - BGN 200 (without VAT)

Dynamic - BGN 400 (without VAT)


 To request additional promotion on, contact an administrator of the " WorkTalent " platform for instructions on next steps and more information. Payment for package (promo) offers is made in BGN, directly to's account!