1. The platform does not edit and is not responsible for spelling errors. Before posting any ad, please review its content carefully. Please respect the generally accepted tone of communication and avoid using words that contradict it.
2. You can edit any information in the ad, regardless of its type (Free, Classic, Premium , Premium pro ), its title and type (Job/Internship) . If you need to change the title or type of ad, use the "Contact us" to assist you. After any edit to the content of the ad, it will be temporarily suspended and our administrator will review and approve it. In the event of disapproval and a need for correction on your part, you will be notified with a message to your ad stating the reason and what needs to be changed.
3. You can put links in the description of the ad, in cases where:
- You have developed a referral program and conditions for "Recommend the ad to a friend and earn...". Specify before publishing the link and the content of the bonus itself.
- You wish to place in the content of the ad links to your General Terms and Conditions, GDPR and privacy policies for the candidate to familiarize themselves with in advance.
4. Before posting a photo to the ad (optional), please check if you have the copyright to use it. The platform is not responsible for disputes arising about their authorship.
5. If you are only accepting applications on your career platform for a given ad, make sure you have placed the correct link before publishing the ad.
6. You can archive each of your ads before the deadline and in case you have found a suitable candidate for you.
7. If you have additional questions, see the "Frequently Asked Questions" section in your profile. If you do not find an answer to your question, you can make a query by clicking on the button "Contact us" and our administrator will contact you as soon as possible.