How do I build the ideal profile?

1. Attach and save one or more CVs in Bulgarian or another language requested by you or the companies.


 2. Review our pre-interview questions carefully, take your time and prepare to answer in the best possible way to present yourself to companies.


 3. Record several attempts, choose and apply the best video presentation from your device
to your profile on the platform.


 4. Change your answers in our pre-interview every time you think you can improve your performance in front of a certain company and according to its requirements and expectations.


 5. Change the video presentation as many times as you want to show your best to the company you are applying for.


 6. Prepare your answers in our pre-interview and your video presentation as well as you can in advance, regardless of whether there is a current advert to apply for. This will help you apply them quickly and be one of her first candidates when a suitable offers comes up.


 7. You can always add your additional qualification or skill to your profile.


 8. Write truthfully and check every piece of information you add to prevent unwanted mistakes.