Customer Support Professional

Are you triggered by helping people and would like to work in a friendly environment where you provide support for international customers? Then this can be your next job.

The support is provided in English and mainly via a chatting tool. You help customers with general questions related to the online services they are using. You will join our existing team of support specialists that are based at our modern office in Sofia.


Previous experience from customer support or other service-oriented jobs likes restaurants, stores or hotels Fluent in both written and spoken English Higher level studies is an advantage

Please be aware that you are working either mainly morning (7:00-15:00) or afternoon shifts (15:00-23:00). Your shifts are covering some weekends and public holidays. We offer a generous compensation model for working non-standard working hours.

We offer good conditions including health insurances, contribution to sport activities, recurring training programs and we have an employees' investment fund. Working for us means a high degree of involvement and we strive for having an open and positive working environment.

If you find our proposal interesting and you meet the above requirements for the position, please send your CV and cover letter in English.

All applications will be treated strictly confidential.

About Comstream:

Comstream is a company group with about 80 employees and offices in Sweden and Bulgaria. Over the last years we have experienced a strong growth and we are now expanding our business further. We are developing top-notch products and providing high-level customer support for many interesting companies. Comstream is also offering and developing a own SaaS platform for recruiting.

If you want to become member of an international organization with a Scandinavian-influenced business culture, Comstream is the place for you. For us it is important that you can grow in your professional role and with us you are in the right environment for this. We work in teams where everyone are seen and heard and our values are based upon involvement and freedom.

Please visit our corporate website for further information about us.