Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy is accepted by "WORKTALENT" SA - a company registered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency with UIC 207852755, with registered office and management address: 19, Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov - Korsakov, 4th floor. The use of the expressions "we", "us", "our" also refers to "WORKTALENT" SA

This policy applies to cookies used on the portal (hereinafter referred to as the Portal or Platform). It supplements our Privacy Policy for Individuals - Applicants and Visitors, Privacy Policy (for Companies), Terms and Conditions for the use of WorkTalent Portal Services by Applicants and Terms and Conditions for the use of WorkTalent Portal Services by Companies, and is intended to inform you why we use cookies, what they do and what choices you have in relation to their use.

We use cookies to offer you relevant information and a better and more personalised service when you visit our Portal, enabling you to find what you are looking for more easily. The cookies that our Portal uses allow us to store data about you that does not reveal personal identifiable information.


1. Data Subject:

- Registered users

- Unregistered users - visitors of the Portal

- Owners/users of a device other than users (data of such persons is processed in the context of obtaining information about the end device via cookies - e.g. end device identifier)


2. Purposes of processing:

- Provision of the services available through the Portal;

- Ensuring the secure and normal operation of the Portal, preventing malicious activities;

- Improving the online experience (user experience), including for personalized advertisements of products of WORKTALENT SA and its partners;

- Measuring and tracking statistical dependencies in order to improve the quality of the Company's services and interest in them;

- Optimization of advertising on the Portal;

- Business Planning;


3. Legal basis for processing:

The performance of a contract with the data subject or taking steps to entering into a contract at the request of the data subject - provision of services through the Portal;

Legitimate interest of "WORKTALENT" SA - operation and provision of services;

Consent -  occasionally, by displaying a system message requesting explicit consent from the data subject.


4. Data storage periods:

We do not use our own cookies, but we do use third party cookies. Therefore, the data storage periods coincide with the periods set out in the respective cookie policies of these third parties.


5. What are cookies?

Cookies are a small pieces of data that a web server sends to a web browser, allowing the server to collect feedback from the browser. They are stored on your end device (such as a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone). Usually their purpose is to enable us to identify your device and its behaviour when you visit our Portal. Cookies also make your experience with the Portal more secure and faster by remembering and sending information about your preferences -for example, your registration details and language.

There are two types of cookies – persistent and temporary (session). Session cookies are stored temporarily on your end device when you visit our Portal and are deleted the moment you close the page. Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your device for a longer period of time.

With the exception of cookies necessary for the functioning of our Portal, we store cookies on your device only with your consent. In certain cases, we request your consent for the Portal to use cookies by displaying a special message.

If you do not want to accept cookies, and to remove cookies, you can adjust the settings of the browser you are using. More information on how you can do this is contained later in this Policy.

We also use web beacons. These are files that allow a website to collect information about the number of users who have visited it and to access their cookies.


6. Types of cookies:

Strictly necessary (essential) cookies:

They are necessary for the normal provision of our services. They are used to identify you as a user of our services, to save part of the code of the visited site and for other similar purposes.

Without them, our Portal cannot recognize you, therefore you will not be able to access our services. They help us to comply with our Terms and Conditions and to maintain the security of our services.

They are used to allow you to move from one page of our Portal to another without having to re-enter information. This is why strictly necessary cookies are often persistent.

They are also used to determine how often you and other users visit our Portal and use our services.

Your consent is not required to use these cookies. The processing of personal data through this type of cookies is related to the performance of contracts with the user for the provision of services on the Portal.


Performance and functionality cookies:

They are required to access and use our Portal.

Allow us to personalize your online experience while using our Portal.

We use them to remember your preferences so that you do not have to enter information you have already provided each time, for example when you enter your details to access our services.

We also use them to collect information about how users use our services so that we can improve the Portal and our services and to conduct market research.

 We (and authorised third parties) may use non-personalised information from both persistent and session cookies for statistical purposes as follows:

- To determine which are the most popular parts of our Portal.

- To monitor the use of our services and Portal (frequency and time).

- To monitor the success of products.

- To conduct surveys so that we can improve your interaction with our Portal and with WORKTALENT SA as a whole.

If you are not logged into your registered accounts, there is a high probability that these cookies cannot identify a data subject - an individual. We then only use them to measure visits, for example - how many times you have visited a page. If you are logged into your registered account, we can combine your profile data with these cookies and identify you.

If you choose to delete these cookies, you may have limited functionality of our services.


Advertising cookies:

They process information about the way you use our Portal - the pages you visit or the way you respond to advertisements - to provide you with advertisements that are tailored to your preferences.

Through them, "interest-based advertising" is also implemented. It analyses not only the behaviour on our Portal, but also that on other portals and builds your profile.

It reports what and how many ads you've seen, on which pages, what actions you've taken in relation to the ads.

Many of these types of cookies belong to our third party service providers. For third party advertisers, see more information below.

We use these cookies to select and serve ads and personalized recommendations most relevant to your interests, and to provide anonymous information to third parties so that more relevant advertising can be targeted to you.


7. Third party cookies:

We use third party cookies as part of our services. These cookies are managed by the respective sites and are not controlled by us. We may also use certain authorised third parties to place cookies during your visits to our sites, for the purposes of the services they provide to us.

Listed below are the third party services we use, some of which can be turned off using your browser's general settings. For others, you need to visit the relevant sites and follow the instructions provided. They all use different cookies.


Google Analytics

A leading tool for collecting information about your behaviour for the purpose of measuring our Portal. We consider its use to be in our legitimate interest, except as described below. For users who have not consented to the processing of their personal data, we disable advertising functionalities, including Interest Based Advertising, and partially anonymize their IP address, according to the technical specifications provided by the service provider.

Detailed technical information can be found here:

Google's privacy policy and terms, including Google Analytics, can be found here:

If you want to prevent Google Analytics from tracking your behavior, you can use the following tool provided by the provider:


Google Tag Manager

This is a Google service that allows us to easily manage the scripts served on our Portal. The service provider declares that despite the use of cookies, it does not collect your personal data.


Google Ad Manager

Because the services we provide to Candidates, and many of the services we provide to Companies, are free, we serve advertisements to enable us to sustain our business.

This is a service we use to serve ads on our Portal.

More information about the cookies used by the provider and the domains it uses to save cookies can be found at:



The social network presents a number of additional services related to the following objectives:

Measuring the actions of visitors to our Portal;

Selecting, delivering and measuring ad serving on the web;

Selecting, delivering and measuring the serving of content on the web;

Personalising users based on their behaviour for advertising purposes.

Cookies used:

Facebook does not provide detailed information about the cookies they use.

More information can be found here:

You can find Facebook's privacy policy at the following address:



Gemius is a tool universally used by major Bulgarian publishers to measure websites. The data it collects is used by all major Bulgarian advertisers to plan their advertising activities.

You can find the Gemius Privacy Policy at the following address:

You can find the Gemius Cookie Policy at the following address:


Third Party Advertisers

We may use codes provided by advertisers and/or ad networks of third parties and other advertising companies to optimize or measure the display of advertisements on our Portal.

Through the codes, our partners can collect information about your visit and behavior on our Portal, combine it with data from your behavior on other sites to advertise products or services to you, track which ads are shown to you through your browser, and which websites you have viewed while those ads were served to you.

If you would like more information about third party advertisers, please click here!/


8. How are cookies deleted?

You know when and if your browser receives cookies because it notifies you for that at your first visit. This gives you the opportunity to accept or decline a cookie.

Your browser may be set to reject all cookies. If you want to find out how to do this, visit or the Microsoft Cookie Guide

You can choose to remove cookies through the options of the browser you are using, but you should be aware that this is likely to affect your interaction with our Portal.

You can choose what cookies to allow or block by visiting the relevant settings pages of your browsers:

Internet Explorer cookie settings

Firefox cookie settings

Chrome cookie settings 

Safari web cookie settings


9. Changes to our cookie policy

Any future changes to our Cookie Policy will be published on this page. All changes will be effective immediately, except where otherwise noted.



Administrator: "WORKTALENT" SA - a company registered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency with UIC 207852755, with registered office and management address: 19, Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov - Korsakov, 4th floor.

To contact us, please use e-mail: and the contact form in the Portal

For more information on how we collect, use and store personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy for Individuals - Applicants and Visitors, Privacy Policy (for Companies), Terms and Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and Terms and Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Companies.