This Personal Data Protection Policy (Privacy Policy) is accepted by "WORKTALENT" SA, a company registered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency with UIC 207852755, with registered office and management address: Sofia, 19, Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov - Korsakov, 4th floor. The use of the expressions "we", "us", "our" also refers to "WORKTALENT" SA

“WorkTalent” SA is a personal data controller within the meaning of the applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection and administers the WorkTalent.com website.


І. Subject

The main purpose of this Privacy Policy is to indicate what are the personal data of the Applicants and Visitor-Applicants processed within the services provided on the WorkTalent.com Internet Portal (hereinafter referred to as the Portal or Platform), for what purposes and on what grounds we carry out this processing, as well as to provide additional information and assistance in this regard. In this policy we will also explain how we process personal data of individuals - WorkTalent.com Visitors who do not register and do not have the status of Applicants, as well as personal data contained in correspondence sent to us via the Contact Form on the Portal or by e-mail, or transmitted to us in a telephone communication with us.

If you have any questions for us regarding the protection of your personal data, you can use the contact information provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Please read this Policy carefully before using our services. It is important to know that:

- By registering on the Portal and performing certain actions in the registration process, as well as in cases where without registering an account you apply under offers allowing you to apply on the Company's platform (with an external link) and/or to offers with Quick Apply and/or to offers with Apply with LinkedIn profile, you should read the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the portal "WORKTALENT", the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and this Policy and confirm that you accept them. You are thereby entering into a contract with us for the services we provide.

- The provision of the mandatory personal data is voluntary in order to use or access the services of the Portal. These mandatory data are defined by us as the minimum necessary to be able to provide you with our services, respectively - to be able to provide services to the Companies publishing offers on the Portal.

II. Definitions

1. Personal data - any information relating to a specific natural person (individual) who is identified or identifiable;

2. Processing of personal data - any activity that takes place in relation to personal data, including storage, use, recording, organisation, adaptation, transmission, disclosure, combination, erasure, etc.;

3. Personal data controller - the person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data;

4. Portal - www.WorkTalent.com (including the front page and subpages), also referred to as the WORKTALENT;

5. Ground for processing personal data (ground) - a condition that must be met in order for the processing of personal data to be lawful.

The terms "User", "Visitor", "Applicant", "Visitor-Applicant" and "Company" in this Policy shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the General Terms of Use of the WORKTALENT Portal.


III. Types of Personal Data Subjects, Categories of Data Processed, Purposes of Processing and Ground, Storage Period

Our users visit and use the Portal and the services we provide in different ways, which is why we have identified several categories of users. For each of them we have defined the respective volume of data we collect and process, purposes and grounds, storage periods, etc. The same user may fall into more than one category.

1. Data that can be collected automatically for all users.

With respect to all of our users (registered and unregistered), we collect and process the following categories of personal data automatically in certain cases:

IP Address: when you visit the Portal, our web server automatically recognizes and collects your IP address, which is assigned by your Internet service provider and does not personally identify you.

Aggregated information: log files providing a set of system information about the user, namely: IP address; ISP (Internet Service Provider); the browser you use when you visit the Portal (e.g. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, etc.); the time you spent on the Portal and which pages on the Portal you visited. The information contained in these files includes:

Cookies: We use cookies to offer you relevant information and a better and more personalised service when you visit the Portal, enabling you to find what you are looking for more easily. The cookies that the Portal uses allow us to store certain data. More information about this can be found in our Cookie Policy.

Web beacons: these are files that allow a website to collect information about the number of users who have visited it and to access their cookies.

2. Data that can be collected according to the category of Data Subjects:

2.1. Visitors

A visitor is any person who loads the Portal in their web browser.

Categories of data that may be processed: online identifiers stored in local cookies on the visitor's device/browser; location data provided by the visitor; country/city data based on the IP address of the user's device, an immutable part of the information received by each website; information on actions performed by the subject on the Portal; preferences of the subject regarding specific aspects and settings of the functionalities of the platform; information on the type of browser/device used.

Purposes of the processing: provision of basic and auxiliary functions necessary for the correct and full functioning of the Portal; counting of the Portal traffic; provision of the necessary conditions for the implementation of services on marketing platforms.

Storage period: until the expiration of each cookie (up to 1 year from the moment of its storage), which carries the relevant information, or until it is deleted by the subject on whose device/browser it is stored.

Legal ground for processing: consent to the relevant functions of cookies as described in the Cookie Policy.

2.2 Applicants

А. Personal data processed by us through WORKTALENT

An applicant is any natural person who has registered on the Portal, thereby creating a so-called account. Categories of Applicants' data that may be processed:

Mandatory data:  
Mandatory data that we collect at Step 1 of account registration - according to the selected option: 1. When registering with two names, email and password - the entered names and email address; 2. When logging in with a Facebook account - the names and account picture that appear on the Facebook account, as well as the email address associated with that account; 3. When logging in with a Google account - the names and account picture that appear in the Google account, as well as the email address associated with that account. Regardless of which of the three options is chosen in Step 1, we collect information about the registration of the account and the confirmation of acceptance of the General Terms of Use of the portal "WORKTALENT," the General Terms of Use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and this Policy (date, time and IP address).
 Mandatory data that we collect when applying to offers on the platform: age/date of birth; university (where he/she is studying or has graduated); email address; telephone number; interests; languages spoken.

Optional data: photo and any personal data that the Applicant may provide at his/her own will and discretion when completing the CV (curriculum vitae), the Job and Internship pre-interviews, in the filmed video presentation and in the answers to the questions asked by the Companies (when the offer allows such possibility). The video presentation is not mandatory for registration in the portal.

The platform allows the Applicant to store a photo, video presentation and CV(s) in their account to use when applying for job offers. The maintenance of this information and personal data in the account is at the discretion of the Applicant and WORKTALENT has no control over the legality of their content.

The Applicant is not allowed to store in his/her account or to provide in any form (including - when applying to offer) special or sensitive categories of personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the sole purpose of identifying an individual, data concerning health or data concerning sex life or sexual orientation of the individual. We believe that the provision of such data is not necessary for the purposes of the services you are seeking through our Portal, moreover, the provision of such data poses a serious risk to yourself. In the event that such data is nevertheless provided by the Applicant, it shall be deemed to be provided entirely at the Applicant's own risk.

Purposes of processing and grounds for processing:

a) Purposes of the processing related to and/or necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Applicant:

- Registration of a account enabling the use of the SERVICES of the Portal, maintenance of a user account,

- Providing the SERVICES available through the Portal, including providing various functionalities;

- Providing the Applicant with the opportunity to present more detailed information about him/herself in order to distinguish particular abilities, experience and other specific professional information;

- Communication, including electronic communication, regarding the SERVICES provided;

- The storage of certain log files is necessary for the provision of the SERVICES itself;

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our obligations to the Applicant with a view to the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Applicant.

b) Purposes of processing necessary for compliance with legal obligations:

- Fulfillment of requests from public authorities to provide information;

- Compliance with the obligation to keep information on the time and source of the electronic statements transmitted (under the Law on electronic document and electronic authentication services);

- Compliance with other legal obligations and requirements (e.g. under the Law on Electronic Communications)

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our legal obligations.

c) Purposes of processing personal data related to the legitimate interests of the Administrator of the Portal or third parties:

- Evidence of statements made and other actions taken by the Applicant in creating and managing an account and using the SERVICES (including by collecting and storing log files);

- Ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Portal;

- Communication, including electronic communication, regarding the SERVICES provided;

- Protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Portal Administrator and its partners/other third parties against claims.

- Developing our business as a platform for companies to post job and/or internship listings and a place for individuals to apply for listings;

- Provision of the services of the Portal to Companies that have registered accounts in the Portal and execution of contracts with them.

The grounds for processing personal data for the above purposes are our legitimate interests.

d) Purposes for which the Applicant has given his/her consent:

- Other cases in which data processing is not covered by the above hypotheses - where the Applicant gives his/her consent for specific purposes.

This is a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of your will, by means of a statement or a clear confirmatory action, which expresses consent to the processing of your personal data for a specific purpose.

Note that consent is a different legal ground from those described above. For example, entering into a contract with each other is not is not equivalent to consent.

If you have any concerns or doubts about what exactly is the applicable ground for a specific purpose of processing your data, you can always contact us.

Storage period for data filled in the Applicant account: for the entire period of the existence of the user account. The Applicant has a „Delete Account“ button in their account.

Upon removal of the account, the data contained therein shall be deleted from the Portal, including from the account of the Companies to which the Applicant has submitted applications. They will be stored by WORKTALENT for a period of 1 year after removal - to resolve potential disputes and to comply with our legal obligations, after which they will be removed completely. If, before the expiry of the one-year period, a dispute arises for the resolution of which the data is necessary, or the data is requested by a competent authority within its powers, the data may be stored beyond the one-year period - until the conclusion of the relevant proceedings.

Notwithstanding the removal of the account, it is possible that the Companies to whose offers the Applicant has applied may have retained the Applicant's personal data contained in the documents and information sent by the Applicant in connection with the application.

In the event that an Applicant deletes his/her application to a specific offer, it will no longer be visible to the Company that published it. Nevertheless, it is possible that the Company to whose offer the Applicant applied has stored his/her personal data contained in the documents and information sent by him/her in connection with the application. Pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Act, the Company, as a personal data controller, independently determines the storage period of personal data of Applicants, which in the cases provided for in the Personal Data Protection Act may not be longer than 6 months, unless the Applicant has consented to storage for a longer period. After the expiry of this period, the Company is obliged to delete or destroy the stored personal data documents. WORKTALENT shall not be liable in any way for the determination and compliance with such time limits by the COMPANIES, or for the processing of the Applicants' personal data by the COMPANIES for/by the purposes and in the manner determined by the COMPANIES.

Applications of Applicants/Applicant - Visitors submitted to the Company accounts on the Portal are automatically deleted from the Company account after the expiration of six (6) months from the application. As explained above, it is possible that the Applicant's information may have been stored by the Company outside of the Portal in the interim.

The video content is stored on the onnetwork.tv platform, subject to the Platform's rules and policies, available at https://www.onnetwork.tv/regulamin.html.

B. Personal data processed by the Companies

1. In cases where an Applicant sends his/her data to an offer of a Company, such data shall be processed by the relevant Company and the relevant Company shall be the Controller in respect thereof and shall be responsible for its lawful processing. Regardless of whether the registered account of a Applicant has been removed from the Portal, the Companies may have stored them outside the Portal.

2. Where an Applicant submits his/her details to a Company offer, the Company will apply its own privacy policy in respect of those details. In some cases Companies may have made information about this policy available through the Portal, but in other cases it will not be available on the Portal, and it may be available on the Company's website. In the event that the Company has provided information about its own privacy policy, we recommend that the Applicants familiarise themselves with it in detail before submitting their application and that they contact the Company if they have any questions about it.

3. Data that the Company receives from the Applicant when the offer does not have an external application link:

Mandatory details: two names; age/date of birth; university (where studying or graduated); telephone number; interests, languages and CV.

Optional data: photo and any personal data that the Applicant may provide at his/her own will and discretion when completing his/her CV (curriculum vitae), the Job pre-interview and the Internship pre-interview, in his/her video presentation, when answering additional questions asked by the Company (if the Company has asked any). The video presentation and the Job/Internship pre-interview are not mandatory for registering on the Portal and for applying to offers. It is up to the Applicant to decide whether to attach them to his/her application.

4. WORKTALENT is a platform for companies to post job and/or internship offers and a place for individuals to apply to offers. WORKTALENT is not a recruitment agency, does not offer intermediary services within the meaning of the Employment Promotion Act, is not involved in the selection of Applicants, in the subsequent communication between Applicants and Companies, in the conduct of interviews, in the negotiation and conclusion of contracts between them.

5. We are not responsible for the performance of the obligations arising from the contracts concluded between the Applicants and the Companies, for the payment of the remuneration, taxes and social security contributions due thereunder and will not participate in the resolution of any disputes between the Applicants and the Companies arising from the conclusion, validity or termination of the contracts between them.

6. We do not control the way in which Companies process Applicants' personal data. The relationship between an Applicant and a Company regarding the processing of an Applicant's personal data by a Company shall be settled between them.

7. The Companies undertake to process the personal data of the Applicants only for the purposes of the SERVICES, namely - selection of Applicants for employment or internship, conducting interviews, conducting negotiations and identifying an Applicant to be invited to work or internship. However, we in no way guarantee this commitment of the Company.

2.3. Applicants - Visitors

Visitors -Applicants who do not have a registered account on the Platform may only apply to offers that allow them to apply on the Company's platform (with an external link) and/or to offers with Quick Apply and/or to offers with Apply with LinkedIn profile. The ability to apply on a Company's Platform (with an external link) can be given in a Premium or Premium Pro offer.

А. Personal data processed by us through WORKTALENT

In case of an offer with an application on the Company's platform (with an external link):

Mandatory data: two names, telephone number and email; information on the confirmation of acceptance of the General Rules for the use of the portal "WORKTALENT", the General Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and this Policy (date, time and IP address).

WORKTALENT does not provide the Company with the data filled in by the Visitor-Applicant in the form, but it is possible that the Visitor-Applicant provides the Company with the data in the application process. The "Submit" button redirects the Visitor-Applicant to the external link of the Company, and WORKTALENT has no further relation to the application to the respective offer.

Purposes of processing and grounds for processing:

a) Purposes of processing related to and/or necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Visitor-Applicant:

- Filling in the form enabling the use of the SERVICES of the Portal - applying to offers on the Company's platform (with an external link);

- Provision of the SERVICES available through the Portal - applying for offers on the Company's platform (with an external link);

- Communication, including electronic communication, regarding the SERVICES provided;

- The storage of certain log files is necessary for the provision of the SERVICES themselves;

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our obligations to the Applicant with a view to the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Applicant.

b) Purposes of processing necessary for compliance with legal obligations:

- Fulfillment of requests from public authorities to provide information;

- Compliance with the obligation to keep information on the time and source of the electronic statements transmitted (under the Law on electronic document and electronic authentication services);

- Compliance with other legal obligations and requirements (e.g. under the Law on Electronic Communications).

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our legal obligations.

c) Purposes of processing personal data related to the legitimate interests of the Administrator of the Portal or third parties:

- Evidence of statements made and other actions taken by the Visitor-Applicant when applying to offers on the Company's platform (with an external link) and using the SERVICES (including by collecting and storing log-files);

- Ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Portal;

- Communication, including electronic communication, regarding the SERVICES provided;

- Protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Portal Administrator and its partners/other third parties against claims.

- Developing our business as a platform for companies to post job and/or internship offers and a place for individuals to apply to offers;

- Provision of the services of the Portal to Companies that have registered accounts in the Portal and performance of contracts with them.

The grounds for processing personal data for the above purposes are our legitimate interests.

If you have any concerns or doubts about what exactly is the applicable ground for a specific purpose of processing your data, you can always contact us.

Data storage period: for the period until the expiry of the statute of limitation periods provided for in the applicable legislation. These periods are generally 5 years, but may be shorter or longer in certain circumstances. If, before the expiry of the statute of limitation period, a dispute arises for the resolution of which the data are necessary, or if they are requested by a competent authority within the scope of its powers, the data may be stored beyond the statute of limitation period until the conclusion of the relevant proceedings. 

In the case of an offer with “Quick Apply”:

Mandatory data: Name, e-mail, phone number, information on the confirmation of the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the portal "WORKTALENT", the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and this Policy (date, time and IP address).


In the case of an offer with “Apply with LinkedIn profile”:

Mandatory data: Name, e-mail, LinkedIn profile link, phone number, information on the confirmation of the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the portal "WORKTALENT", the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT" by Applicants and this Policy (date, time and IP address).

Optional data: Phone number (if provided)


WORKTALENT does not receive or store the rest of the data filled in by the Visitor-Applicant in the form. They are received and processed by the Company that published the offer and are visible when applying to the offer in the "Quick Applications" and “LinkedIn Applications” section.

Purposes of processing and grounds for processing:

a) Purposes of processing related to and/or necessary for the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Visitor-Applicant:

- Provision of the SERVICES available through the Portal - application to offers with Quick Apply and/or with Apply with LinkedIn profile;

- The storage of certain log files is necessary for the provision of the SERVICES themselves;

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our obligations to the Applicant with a view to the conclusion and/or performance of a contract between us and the Applicant.

(b) Purposes of processing necessary for compliance with legal obligations:

- Fulfillment of requests from public authorities to provide information;

- Compliance with the obligation to keep information on the time and source of the electronic statements transmitted (under the Law on electronic document and electronic authentication services);

- Compliance with other legal obligations and requirements (e.g. under the Law on Electronic Communications).

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is the performance of our legal obligations.

c) Purposes of processing personal data related to the legitimate interests of the Administrator of the Portal or third parties:

- Evidence of statements and other actions taken by the Visitor-Applicant when applying to offers with Quick Apply and/or with Apply with LinkedIn profile and use of the SERVICES (including by collecting and storing log files);

- Ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Portal;

- Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the Portal Administrator and its partners/other third parties against claims.

- Developing our business as a platform for companies to post job and/or internship offers and a place for individuals to apply to offers;

- Provision of the services of the Portal to Companies that have registered accounts in the Portal and execution of contracts with them.

The grounds for processing personal data for the above purposes are our legitimate interests.

If you have any concerns or doubts about what exactly is the applicable ground for a specific purpose of processing your data, you can always contact us.

Data storage period: for the period until the expiry of the statute of limitation periods provided for in the applicable legislation. These periods are generally 5 years, but may be shorter or longer in certain circumstances. If, before the expiry of the statute of limitation period, a dispute arises for the resolution of which the data are necessary, or if they are requested by a competent authority within the scope of its powers, the data may be retained beyond the statute of limitation period until the conclusion of the relevant proceedings.

B. Personal data processed by the Companies

1. In case of an offer with an application on the Company's platform (with an external link):

When applying to such an offer, clicking on the "Submit" button redirects the Visitor-Applicant to the external link and WORKTALENT is not further involved in the application to the relevant offer. In cases where an Applicant sends his/her data to a Company to an offer, such data shall be processed by the relevant Company and the relevant Company shall be the Data Controller in respect thereof and shall be responsible for its lawful processing.


2. In the case of an offer with “Quick Apply”:

Mandatory data: Name, phone number, e-mail.

Optional data:data provided by the Visitor-Applicant in the brief presentation - free text up to 1000 characters.


3. In the case of an offer with „Apply with LinkedIn profile”:

Mandatory data: Name, LinkedIn profile link, e-mail.

Optional data: phone number



4. When a Visitor-Applicant submits his/her data to a Company's offer, the Company applies its own privacy policy with respect to such data. In some cases Companies may have made information about this policy available through the Portal, but in other cases it will not be available on the Portal, and it may be available on the Company's website. In the event that the Company has provided information about its own privacy policy, we recommend that the Visitors - Applicants read it in detail before submitting their application, and contact the Company if they have any questions about it.

5. WORKTALENT is a platform for companies to post job and/or internship offers and a place for individuals to apply to offers. WORKTALENT is not a recruitment agency, does not offer intermediary services within the meaning of the Employment Promotion Act, is not involved in the selection of Applicants, in the subsequent communication between Visitors -Applicants and Companies, in the conduct of interviews, in the negotiation and conclusion of contracts between them.

6. We are not responsible for the performance of the obligations arising from the contracts concluded between the Visitors -Applicants and the Companies, for the payment of the remuneration, taxes and social security contributions due thereunder and will not participate in the resolution of any disputes between the Visitors – Applicants and the Companies arising from the conclusion, validity or termination of the contracts between them.

7. We do not control how the Companies process the personal data of Visitors - Applicants. The relationship between a Visitor-Applicant and a Company regarding the processing of a Visitor-Applicant's personal data by a Company shall settled be between them.

8. The Companies are obliged to process personal data of the Visitors - Applicants only for the purposes of the SERVICES, namely - selecting Applicants for employment or internship, conducting interviews, conducting negotiations and identifying an Applicant to be invited to work or internship. However, we in no way guarantee this commitment of the Company.

2.4 Personal Data contained in correspondence sent to us via the Contact Form on the Portal or by e-mail, or transmitted to us in a telephone communication with us.

Registered or unregistered users can contact us at any time by sending us inquiries, alerts, complaints or other correspondence through the Contact Form on the Portal or by e-mail, and during normal business hours - also on the phones of WORKTALENT.

Correspondence and communication with us may contain personal data of: 1) the individual contacting us; 2) another individual.

Categories of data: names, e-mail address, telephone number and any other data that may be contained in correspondence sent to us or in telephone communication.

Purposes of processing and grounds for processing:

- Resolving technical issues, service-related issues or disputes; communication regarding inquiries, complaints, alerts, requests or the like.

- Proof of statements made and other actions taken by users;

- Ensuring the normal functioning and use of the Portal;

- Communication, including electronic communication, regarding the SERVICES provided and other issues raised by users;

- Protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Portal Administrator and its partners/other third parties against claims.

The ground for processing personal data for the above purposes is in some cases the performance of our contractual obligations to users with regard to the provision of the services, and in other cases it may be our legitimate interests or the performance of our legal obligations.

Storageperiod: for the period until the expiry of thestatute of limitation periods provided for in applicable law. These periods are generally 5 years, but may be shorter or longer in certain circumstances. If, before the expiry of thestatute of limitation period, a dispute arises for the resolution of which the data are necessary or if they are requested by a competent authority within the scope of its powers, the data may be retained beyond thestatute of limitation period until the conclusion of the relevant proceedings.

2.5 Companies

Issues relating to the processing of personal data provided by Companies relating to their representatives or contact persons are governed by the Privacy Policy (for Companies).

3. Additional information

We process the data we collect from log files, cookies and web beacons for the following purposes: to provide you with access to the Portal; to personalize advertisements of our products and of our partners' products; to measure and track statistical dependencies in order to improve the quality of the SERVICES and therefore the interest in them.

The recognition and collection of the IP address is carried out for the following purposes: disclosure of the identity of users of the Portal, in compliance with the law and regulations, to protect our rights and legitimate interests; to analyze traffic to the Portal and to prevent malicious attacks; display advertisements and information related to your location, service information. We carry out these actions on the ground of our legitimate interests to develop our business and to protect our rights and legitimate interests in the event of disputes, as well as in certain cases on the ground of the mandatory prescriptions of the law.

In certain circumstances, we may use your personal data to protect our rights and legitimate interests, as well as the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, for example in the event of litigation or out-of-court dispute.

NB! An important requirement for consent to the processing of personal data of persons under the age of 16 is that the consent is given by the person's parent, respectively guardian or custodian.

IV. Who has access to your personal data and how we protect your personal data

Maintaining the privacy and security of your personal data is of the utmost importance to us. In this regard, access to your personal data is only granted to the following categories of persons to the extent necessary to fulfil the above purposes for which we process your personal data:

- Our employees and persons engaged under a non-employee contract to perform certain work related to the SERVICES.

- Persons providing hosting services (servers) for our websites and other technical services for the maintenance of our systems (including their employees and subcontractors), for which purpose we have entered into a contract with a data processor as required by applicable law;

- Professional consultants (lawyers, accountants, etc.) as necessary to implement and protect our rights and legal interests.

- State authorities, at their request, in connection with the performance of their public powers granted to them by Bulgarian law, as well as when taking action to protect our rights and legitimate interests.

In order to ensure the security of the Portal, the personal data you provide to us when registering your account is protected by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology, a method of encrypting personal data. The password you provide when registering on the Portal is encrypted to ensure protection against unauthorised access to your account.

We make every effort to protect your personal information, but you should be aware that the transmission of information over the Internet can never be completely secure.

V. Periods for which we store your personal data

We store your personal data for as long as necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the Portal, the performance of contracts concluded by us (including those arising from the acceptance by users of the General Terms and Conditions for the use of the services of the portal "WORKTALENT") and the realization of our legitimate interests. Specific storage periods for certain categories of data and for certain purposes are set out in the relevant places in this Policy. Please contact us for further information if you have a question about a specific storage period.

In the general case of the processing of personal data of registered users, we keep the personal data as long as your account exists on the Portal or until you expressly request that your personal data be deleted, as well as for a period of 1 year after the removal of your account.

It is important to know that at any time you can opt out of the use of the SERVICES by deleting your account yourself, as well as withdrawing the consents provided for the use of your personal data - where consent is the ground for their processing. In these cases, we will cease using your data and providing our SERVICES to you, to the extent possible.

In certain cases, even if the use of your personal data has been discontinued due to the deletion of the account or due to the withdrawal of consents provided by you, we may storean archive of your personal data, to the extent necessary to protect our rights and legitimate interests, for a period until the expiration of statute of limitation periods provided for in applicable law. Generally, these periods are 5 years, but may be shorter or longer in certain circumstances.

You should be aware that your IP address is automatically collected whenever you visit the Portal, regardless of whether you have opted out of our SERVICES. In these cases, if you do not want us to have access to your IP address, you should not visit the Portal.


VI. Your rights in relation to your personal data

As a person whose personal data we process, the applicable data protection legislation provides you with certain rights that you can exercise effectively in the cases provided by the legislation.

In short, your rights are:

Right of access. You have the right to ask us to confirm whether we are processing your personal data and, if so, to obtain that data and further information.

Right to rectification. If you find that your personal data that we process is incomplete or inaccurate, you may request its correction or completion.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten). In certain circumstances - such as if your personal data has been unlawfully processed, you can request that we erase all personal data about you. In certain cases, this right is also linked to your right to withdraw the consent provided to us (if the processing of your personal data is based on consent) and there is no ground for us to continue processing your personal data.

Right to restriction of processing. In certain circumstances - such as if you doubt the accuracy of your personal data or have objected to our legitimate purpose for processing your personal data, you may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data, in which case active use of the data should cease, but without the data being permanently deleted/destroyed.

Right to data portability. Where we process your personal data on the ground of your consent or on a contractual ground and the processing of your personal data is carried out in an automated manner, you have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transfer it to another controller or to request that we transfer it to another controller.

Right to object. In certain circumstances - such as if you doubt our legitimate interest in processing your personal data, you could object to the processing of your personal data on grounds relating to your particular situation, to such processing where we are carrying out that activity on the grounds of legitimate interest or in the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

Withdrawal of consent: in the event that we process personal data on the ground of your consent or explicit consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent, before it is withdrawn.

You can exercise these rights by submitting an application that meets the requirements of the Data Protection Act. More information on the content and conditions under which you can exercise the above rights can be found in the applicable data protection legislation. If necessary, you can also contact us for assistance.

To contact us, please use e-mail: contact@worktalent.com and the contact form in the worktalent.com Portal.

Data Protection Officer: Daniela Vasileva Grigorova-Mancheva, phone: +359878527750, e-mail: contact@worktalent.com, Sofia, 19, "Knyaz Aleksandar Dondukov – Korsakov” Blvd., floor 4.

If you believe that we are violating your rights in relation to the protection of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the Republic of Bulgaria - the Commission for Personal Data Protection. We would be grateful if, in the event of a complaint, you would contact us first so that we can try to help you.

Last updated – 31 May 2024.